Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trying something new here at the blog..

Hey all-

I'm trying something a little different with the blog. This is more for my own accountability than it might be for you all, but I do get questions from people every now and then about what my training routine is. So, both to keep myself accountable and consistent, and to inform you all about what some of my routine looks like, I'm going to be posting some of my workouts on the blog. In future, we may get some video content going, so if there's stuff you guys want to see demonstrated, let me know!

Yesterday's workout was short and sweet due to the long seminar weekend combined with the 5K race that I, my girlfriend, and my cousin ran on Sunday morning (right before the JKD session..NICE!)

Warm Up - Z health mobility / Neural warm-up
plus some additional ankle, hip, and shoulder mobility, and some hip flexor stretches

Followed by movement prep circuit (repeat for total of 3 times)
Ankle closed-chained dorsiflexion
Face the wall squats
Bird Dogs
Fire Hydrants
Scap Pushups


Kettlebell Clean and Squat Ladder (53lb kettlebell) 1-2-3 x 3
(for example, 1 clean and squat with the right, 1 with the left, 2 cleans 2 squats R/L, etc..)

Kettlebell Seated Press Ladder (44lb kettlebell) 1-2-3, followed by 6 dead hang pullups x 3

Kettlebell Snatches (44lb kettlebell) - 8 minutes of 5 reps right, 5 reps left, rest 60 seconds.

Finished the workout with more Zhealth mobility.