Some of you may know that, back in July of this year, I reached the not-quite-ripe age of 30. While I certainly do not consider myself "old," I am definitely not the same kid I used to be, and I do feel I've learned quite a bit up until this point in my life. To this end, I don't feel the least bit bad about not being in my 20's anymore. It's because of what I've learned about life and about myself (much of it in my 20's) that I love being 30. So, here is a short list of things I've learned up until this point. I'll no doubt be adding to this list, so even after you've read this post, you may wish to check back to see if I've added any updates. But I'll start with the ones that are the most obvious off the top of my head (in no particular order of importance):
1. Life's too short to spend with people who make you feel like crap.
2. It's fine to have goals, but it's so much better to enjoy the process without having an agenda or a place to "get to." Ask yourself, once you do get there, then what happens?
3. That whole "pain is temporary, glory is forever" thing....totally backwards.
4. It's far better to be a "good man" than it is to be a "nice guy."
5. An addendum to number 1: Technically, feelings are effects, and thoughts are causes. Therefore, to the degree with which you can control your thoughts (including which ones you "let in" from other people), you can also control your feelings, and thus no one ever really makes you feel like crap, you make yourself feel like crap. You can choose to not feel like crap if you don't want to.
6. Though I've voted in several elections, I still don't know how the Electoral College works...
7. Your body and your car are both machines. Both can be pushed to amazing lengths, but both require regular refueling, maintenance, rest, and occasional repair.
8. Eat whole foods and drink lots of water, rather than worrying so much about supplements and other "short cuts" Mother Nature, she knew what she was doing.
9. Sleep is a precious commodity.
10. I'd rather hit pads than people.
11. I'd rather play than compete.
12. Greater strength, endurance, and skill are all valid training goals....but so is FUN.